Lilly Scholarship Winners Recognized By Board
Board Officers Elected
Woodlan High student Lilly Endowment Scholarship  Winner
New Haven student Lilly Endowment Scholarship Winner
Bus driver recognized for dedication and hard work
Superintendent Hissong Receives State Award
First Responders Visit Elementary Schools
Guest Principal for a Day
Governor's Distinguished Hoosier Award Winner
Olivia Makes It Her Business to Bake Cookies
Indiana Superintendent of the Year 2024
EACS Custodians Recognized for Stellar Work
EAU  Excellence in Community Collaboration Award Winner
Leo Girls Tennis team Academic All-State
Spirit of Collaboration Award winner
Spring Sports Academic All-State Recognition
Cedarville Elementary students enjoying recess
District II Superintendent of the Year
East Allen Career Center Student Chosen for JATC Apprenticeship
2023 Art Contest Winners